4-H Club happenings
Published 12:00 am Saturday, January 27, 2001
The first four months of the club year have been busy for students in the Butler County School System.
Students have participated in programs such as: Learning How To Follow Directions; Point and Non-Point Source Pollution; Table Manners;
Christmas Safety; Identifying Harmful and Safe Chemicals (and learning the difference between them).
Four-H'ers sold raffle tickets during December as a fund raising activity.
Receipts from the raffle
helped to fund a trip to the McWane Science Museum in Birmingham on December 16, and other activities and programs throughout the year.
Raffle winners were Larry Moore of Georgiana (19" color television); Catherine McClain of Georgiana ($50 winner); and Mary Crenshaw of Greenville ($25 winner).
The Butler County Extension Office is appreciative of everyone supporting 4-H through this fund raising activity.
More than 75 students from across the county toured the McWane Science Museum in Birmingham where they could learn about science from hands-on activities.
Students really like this trip so it has become an annual event.
There will be other upcoming activities and events for students in the coming months.
Some will require traveling and there is a cost associated with each event.
The list is as follows:
* Tours:Golden Flake and Blue Bell Ice Cream
* 4-H Summer Camp
* 4-H Science Camp in Mobile
* 4-H Environmental Stewardship Camp (available to Senior 4-H'ers 14 years old and older)
* 4-H Shooting Sports for ages 10-13 years and 14 and older.
* Performing Arts Camp (12 years old and older)
* Citizenship Washington Focus (14 years and older)
* 4-H District Round-Up in Evergreen
* 4-H State Congress in Huntsville.
For dates, costs involved, and further information of any on these events, please contact me at the Butler County Extension Office.
Telephone number is 334/382-5111.