Now that football season is over…

Published 12:00 am Saturday, November 25, 2000

Just when the adrenaline was charged to peak levels, and

hours of sleep were at a minimum on Friday nights, high

school football season ended.The rush is settling now, and I

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am adjusting my bearings toward &uot;bigger and better things.&uot;I

had the opportunity to visit a wrestling practice at

Greenville Academy, and that was interesting. The unique

part is that GA is only one of eight teams in the major

portion of the state that has a wrestling team.With two

former G.A. wreslters who have both won championships to

guide as coaches, the Tornados will surely succeed, as they

always have with this sport.They also have Floyd Atkins

assisting, and he has certainly seen his share of champion

wrestlers at the &uot;Little School on Watermelon Hill.&uot;There

are also plenty of basketball games to be seen. Every school

in the county has teams, and as soon as schedules become

available to me, I will pass them on to you , the sports

fans. By the weekend, if I survive through Thanksgiving,


will be covering basketball previews with all of the

schools.Although it is like closing the barn door after the

horse has run away, with the season already begun, I will

play catch-up with the games happening, who to watch, and

how bright the stars on the court will shine.Had an

interesting day, on Monday. I went out to the hospital to

cover a public service program called &uot;Healthcheck&uot;. While I

was there, I had the pleasure (or dismay, as the case ended

up) to be checked myself.Already knowing that my blood

pressure would be fine, I was not too awfully concerned

about the results of my screening.Boy, was I surprised. My

cholesterol (that nasty little word that scares so many

people, and has generated countless volumes of books on

theories and remedies and such) was more than slightly

elevated. It seems it was 257, which I personally don’t

think is too bad, but then, what do I know about it…I had

to look the word up before I could type it.Looks like too

many &uot;Tiger dogs&uot; at Greenville High, and &uot;Beefalo&uot; steaks

and gravy at McKenzie High during the football season, not

to mention the pizza and stromboli office dinners in between

articles have all taken their toll on me.My wife has assured

me that the she will adjust my diet for me, free of charge

(Oy, vey!).Seems that steamed veggies and lean, non-red

(that’s a sacrilege) meat will adjust my levels.Or maybe the

Blue Bell ice cream ritual before bedtime will have to be

curtailed slightly.At any rate, I will surely be paying a

visit to Tim Dunsford at the YMCA for an exercise program of

some sort, because as I near that big &uot;four-oh&uot; mark, my

weight has shifted.I like to call it &uot;chest-of-drawers

syndrome&uot;-my chest has dropped to my drawers!But anyway,

this Thursday will surely be a fine departure from my

theories of an adjusted diet and regimen-It’s Turkey

Day!After the turkey, dressing and all those wonderful

trimmings, pies, etc., I am planning on settling in for a

long day of &uot;armchair quarterbacking&uot; , and since my dad has

a satellite system, there will be plenty of football for the

offering.Perhaps a better way for me to get exercise would

be to throw on the camo and orange garb, and go out to the

wilderness, in pursuit of Bambi’s kinfolk.But then, deer

meat is red, isn’t it? That would be like defeating my

purpose.I can tell already that this &uot;diet thing&uot; isn’t

gonna be easy!I am certain of it, just as sure as I am

sitting here eating a &uot;Big Daddy&uot; cheeseburger with onions

and fries, it will be a tough row to hoe.One thing is for

sure though, this ‘Bama fan isn’t giving in to defeat until

the officials have re-reviewed the tapes, and a recount has

been made, regarding the Iron Bowl.Maybe we should tell them

that we didn’t think their judgement represented that of the

people, so we are going to discount it and not use it, what

do you think?