Driver jailed in 3-car wreck

Published 12:00 am Saturday, November 25, 2000

Five people were taken to the hospital and one to jail following a three-vehicle accident Wednesday night, Nov. 22, according to reports on file at the Alabama Department of Public Safety.

Marty Griffin, post sergeant at the Evergreen Trooper Post said

records indicate that a 1978 Ford,

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operated by Earnest Mayhand of Forest Home was involved in the accident on Butler County Hwy. 7, near Forest Home at approximately 6:30 p.m.

&uot;Five victims in all were transported to L.V. Stabler Memorial Hospital as a result of this automobile accident,&uot; Griffin said.

&uot;Three victims who had been traveling in a 1986 Ford pickup were taken to the hospital: Sammy, Ruby and Michael Carter, all from Forest Home.

&uot;In addition, the driver of a 1994 Dodge Pickup, Gary Gregory, from Greenville and his passenger, Charles Lewis also were taken to the hospital.&uot;

Firefighters from the Greenville Fire Department had to use the &uot;Jaws-of-Life&uot; to remove the driver’s side door of Gregory’s truck, and then pry the dashboard and steering wheel off of him before he could be taken to the hospital.

In all, three ambulances were required in order to transport the five to the hospital.

GEMS Ambulance Service transported four victims in two ambulances, and the Fire Rescue Unit transported Gregory, after he was extricated.

A spokesperson at L.V. Stabler Hospital stated that all but one of the five had minor injuries.

&uot;Sammy Carter had a broken rib, Ruby Carter had a laceration to her leg, and Michael Carter had minor cuts and bruises; Lewis had a laceration on his lip,&uot; the spokesperson said.

The most critical injury was to Gregory, who had to be taken to a Montgomery hospital for a broken leg.

Mayhand, who was believed to have caused of the accident, was not injured, and instead, was charged with driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) and placed in the Butler County Jail.

Records at the jail indicate that Mayhand was jailed Wednesday night, and bonded out on Thursday afternoon.