Dixie Minor All-Stars meet in Greenville for sub-district tourney

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, July 12, 2000

On Friday, June 23, the Greenville all-star girls fourteen year old division visited Elba for a double-elimination tournament for the sub-district softball championship.

Leading off in the first inning, second baseman Kendra Mitchell (40) had a base hit.

Next up, centerfielder Katoria McDonald (39) hit a single, which turned into a fielder's choice, and Mitchell was out at second on the play.

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Batting third, shortstop Laura Skipper (50) hit a home run, bringing in herself and McDonald notching two runs.

Pitcher Danita Crenshaw (57) stepped up to the plate next, and hit a single, followed by second baseman Mikki Harris (15) who also hit a single.

Right fielder Stephanie Hood (51) was up at bat next and had a base hit. Dothan's second baseman scooped up the ground ball, and trying to get the runner out between second and third, overthrew the shortstop.

Both Crenshaw and Harris scored to bring the total to four runs scored.

Next at bat, centerfielder Hannah Tillery (4) hit a ground ball for a base hit, and was followed by left fielder Morgan Crenshaw (58) who hit a fielder's choice, catching Tillery out at second, retiring the side.

Dothan's side was out in one, two, three order.

When Dothan's pitcher was at bat, she hit a foul ball which was caught by Greenville's catcher, Frances Watts (10) for the first out.

Pitcher Crenshaw then struck out the next two batters.

Leading off for Greenville in the second inning, first baseman Victoria Crenshaw (32) hit a pop fly to centerfield for the first out.

Next, catcher Watts popped out to the pitcher for out number two.

Mitchell was up next, hitting a single, and advancing to second base when Dothan's first baseman missed the throw at the bag.

McDonald followed next with a base hit. Skipper then hit a ground ball to the shortstop and was caught out at first, retiring the side.

Dothan managed one run in the second inning, making it 4-1, Greenville.

In the third inning, Danita Crenshaw hit a ground ball to Dothan's pitcher, who threw Crenshaw out at first.

Harris chalked up another base hit, and was followed by right fielder Hood, who hit a ground ball to Dothan's shortstop, who threw her out at first.

Tillery came to the plate next, and

singled, advancing Harris to third base.

Morgan Crenshaw followed with a base hit, allowing both Harris and Tillery to score.

The sides changed after Victoria Crenshaw hit a ground ball and was thrown out at first.

Dothan's lead batter hit a single but was caught out at second on a fielder's choice.

Dothan's next batter popped up to shortstop Skipper for the next out.

Out number three came next, when a ground ball was hit to Skipper, who made the toss to first baseman Mary Katherine Autrey (38), retiring the side.

Leading off for Greenville in the fourth inning, catcher Watts rocketed a ground ball past Dothan's shortstop and circled the bases on an error.

Mitchell was up next, and was caught out at first on a ground ball. Then Skipper popped up to second base for the second out.

Danita Crenshaw struck out next, marking the end of the inning for Greenville.

Dothan was able to score 2 runs in the fourth, making the score 7-3 Greenville.

In the fifth, Harris popped up to second base, followed by base hits for right fielder Constance Morrison (52), Tillery, and left fielder Kanitra Lewis (56).

Autrey came up to the plate next, and with a base hit, brought Morrison home.

Watts then hit a double, which allowed Tillery and Lewis to score.

Mitchell was up next, and hitting a ground ball to third, caught Autrey out on fielder's choice.

The inning ended after McDonald hit a fly ball to Dothan's shortstop.

The score was now Greenville 10, Dothan 3.

Dothan was unable to score in the fifth, and when Greenville came up to bat again in the sixth inning, Skipper, Crenshaw and Tillery each scored runs again, making the final score in game one Greenville 13, Dothan 3.

In game two on Saturday, Greenville beat Elba 15-2.

The leading scorer in this game was shortstop Laura Skipper (50), who crossed the plate 3 times.

This was followed by Mitchell, Morgan Crenshaw, and Watts who each scored two runs.

Also scoring a run a piece were McDonald, Harris, Hood, Autrey, Victoria Crenshaw and Danita Crenshaw.

In game number three, Greenville was only able to score 1 run against Geneva's 11, marking the first loss for Greenville.

In game four, Dothan North sent Greenville home after their second loss, with a final score of 7-2.

This group of Greenville girls fought hard to stay in the running for so long, and they came home proud that they had done their best.