Sessions relieved Siegelman will run for reelection; Shelby’s turn to sweat
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, June 21, 2000
This will be one of
those touch-a-lot-of-bases columns. Maybe something of interest to you will be included.
Not that there was a whole lot of doubt about it, but Gov. Siegelman has made it clear he will seek a second term in 2002. As he put it when asked, "God willing, I will run for reelection."
His announcement came as a relief to U. S. Sen. Jeff Sessions, who must run for reelection the same year. There has been some talk Siegelman might run for that seat. Now it is Sen. Richard Shelby's turn to sweat. Will Siegelman challenge him in 2004? Think about ita governor in midterm running against an incumbent U.S. Senator. To make it even more exciting, there is no love lost between the two men.
It was an odd coincidence that within a span of 48 hours death should claim David Vann, 71, and Neil 0. Davis, 85. It may be that you know little of either of them, but back in the trying days of the 1950s and 1960s, they were two lone voices of reason and moderation at a time when very little of either was being provided by most in leadership position.
Vann led the move to change Birmingham's form of city government which resulted in the ouster of Eugene "Bull" Connor, but more importantly he established a dialgue between blacks and whites in Birmingham which was so desperately needed.
Davis, the founder/publisher of the Lee County Bulletin in Auburn, was one of the few newsmen with the courage. While so many shouted defiance, Davis was convinced that integration was inevitable and that our leaders should prepare the people for it rather than incite opposition. Both men lived long enough to see their positions vindicated.
He is perhaps best known for his bow ties and his flowery oratory frequently laced with scripture, but Bill Fuller will soon be known by another title: Commissioner of the Department of Human Resources, one of the most demanding positions in state government.
Fuller for 18 years has served in positions of leadership in the House but the 46-year-old attorney from LaFayette says it was a "prayer decision" that led him to give up his legislative seat to take over the DHR post.
Gov. Siegelman will have to call a special election to fill Fuller's seat in the Legislature.
A little known bit of trivia about the likeable Fullerhe is a collector of comic books and his favorite comic character is the "Phantom"-so much so that as a boy that was his nickname.
As commissioner of DHR he may need to adopt a new cartoon favorite and nickname-"Superman." It is that much of a challenge.
The easiest prediction to make about the run-off next week is that in all liklihood the voters may be outnumbered by the people working at the polling places.
After a monster ballot on June 6, there will be but two statewide races on the ballot on June 27, both on the Republican ballot…one for nomination to the State Civil Appeals Court, the other for nomination to the State Criminal Appeals Court.
A number of hotly contested run-offs in some counties for local offices…probate judge, superintendent of education, county commission…should bring out a few voters, but not many.
Can you believe Albert Turner Jr. is up to his old tricks again? Turner is the former No. 2 man at ADECA who was asked to leave after it was reported he had been ticketed a half-dozen times for speeding but had paid no fines.
Not long after Gov. Siegelman let him go he appointed him to a vacant seat on the Perry County Commission.
It was revealed last week that County Commisioner Turner was ticketed twice in May for speeding. As yet neither fine has been paid.