White Sox dominate in wins over Yanks, Rocks

Published 12:00 am Saturday, May 20, 2000

The White Sox used two victories last week to help increase their league-leading record to 7-1 as they defeated the Yankees on May 8 and then beat the Rockies later in the week.

The Yankees maintained a slim 2-1 lead through three innings against the White Sox.

The Yankees led off the first inning with back-to-back leadoff walks to Josh Burt and Mr. McGough. Both runners scored later in the inning on a base hit by Jimmy Moody.

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The White Sox got one of the runs back in the bottomof the inning as Brandon Burnett put himself in scoring position with a triple. With two outs, Brandon Burnett belted another triple to cut the lead to 2-1.

The score remained the same through the third inning. But, in the fourth, the White Sox batters warmed up as Ty Langston, Brandon Burnett, Richard Cowles, Brad Anthony, Brandon Hinson, Andrew Hartman and Teddy Mauch scored to put the Sox ahead. As the Sox batted around the order, Burnett, Cowles and Anthony scored again. By the end of the inning, the Sox held an 11-2 lead.

Corey Ausderay scored in the bottom of the fifth on a base hit by Burnett to give the Sox a 12-2 lead.

The Yankees were unable to score any runs after the first inning as Sox' pitcher Burnett recorded seven strikeouts on his way to earning the victory.

White Sox 13, Rockies 4

The Sox did not wait around for a big inning when they took on the Rockies later in the week. They scored seven runs in the first to help them on their way to a 13-4 win.

Langston, Ausderay and Burnett hit consecutive singles to lead off the first for the Sox. One run scored when Cowles was hit by the pitch. With the bases still loaded, Hinson lined a double to score two more runners. Brad Anthony and Dusty Coker both hit RBI singles in the inning to give the Sox a 7-0 lead.

In the second, Burnett and Cowles hit back-to-back doubles to start the inning and

add another run to their lead. Hinson got his third RBI of the game on a base hit and Hartman brought home Hinson with another base hit. Hartman later scored when he stole home. After the second inning, the Sox led the Rockies, 11-0.

The Rockies' first score of the game came in the fourth. Trevor Beaugez lined a base hit and went to second on an error. Tyler Beaugez followed with another hit. Paul Norman then drove both runners home with a double to cut the lead to 11-2.

The Sox added two more runs to their lead in the sixth as Ausderay and Burnett scored, making the score 13-2.

The Rockies got two runs back in the bottom of the sixth as Jimmy Phelps and Adam Sawicki each scored on another two-RBI double off the bat of Norman. But, they were unable to continue the inning as they lost the game 13-4.

Langston earned the victory as pitcher for the White Sox and struck out 11 Rockie batters.

Ahtletics 11, Rockies 1

The Athletics were able to keep pace with the division leaders by winning over the Rockies on May 8, 11-1.

The Athletics went ahead in the first inning as Clay Beverly and Digger Kimbrough scored on a double by Josh Booker.

The score remained 2-0 until the fourth when the Rockies cut the lead. Jimmy Phelps got on base with a hit and was driven home on a basehit by Ty. Beaugez.

From there it was all A's as they scored two in the fourth. Jacob Conway hit a double in the inning to drive home Booker and Matthew Conway.

The Athletics Erick Hickes led off the sixth with a hit and Beverly followed with an RBI double. Digger Kimbro pitched in a two-RBI base hit in the inning and scored on a hit by Booker. Kelsasa Savage, Burt Rice and Chris Slagley also scored in the inning to complete the 11-1 victory.

Kimbro earned the victory for the A's, only giving up two hits, two walks and struck out 16 batters.

Yankees 7, Athletics 2

The Athletics never had a big inning when they took on the Yankees on May 11 as they were defeated by a score of 7-2.

Neither team could score early in the game. But, in the fourth the Yankees got on the board.

Leon Tettis led off with a basehit in the inning, followed by another by Victory Mack. Junior McGough drove home Tettis with a double and Brad Heartsill earned an RBI on a fielder's choice to give the Yanks a 3-0 lead.

The Yankees added to the lead in the fifth as Tettis hit a two-run homer, making the score, 5-0.

The Athletics scored in the fifth when a basehit by Clay Beverly brought home Matthew Mobley and Hicks to cut the lead to 5-2.

But, the Yanks added two more runs in the sixth on runs by McGough and Heartsill, making the score 7-2.

Burt earned the victory on the mound as he struck out 14 A's.