Council rejects proposed rezoning of I-65 frontage
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 10, 2000
The Greenville City Council denied a zoning request by Milton and Sara M. Smith to rezone property adjacent to the new Greenville High School from R-A (residential agricultural) to C-3 (highway commercial) at its regular meeting on Tuesday, April 25.
Although there were community members present showing support for the rezoning of the 46-acre plot just south of where the new high school is visible from I-65, Frank Thigpen, representing the Butler County Board of Education, addressed concerns the school board had about disrupting the view of the new $17 million school from the freeway.
Councilman Dexter McClendon presented a motion to deny the zoning request and leave the property as is. The motion received a second from councilman James Lewis and passed the council by a unanimous vote.
In another zoning related issue, the council approved a zoning request from Larry J. Salter to rezone a tract of land adjacent to the Greenville Butler County Public Library from R-2 (medium density residential) to C-2 (general commercial).
A motion to approve the request was made by councilman McClendon. After a second from councilman Jeddo Bell, the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.
In other business, the council voted to change the date of the second meeting in May from May 23 to May 16. The May 23 date conflicted with the Alabama League Convention. The normally scheduled meeting on the second Tuesday of the month, May 9, will stand as scheduled.
The council approved a resolution to vacate potential interest in an alley behind New Providence Primitive Baptist Church between Conecuh Streets and Bell Street. A motion to approve the resolution was presented by councilperson Debra Hood and received a second from councilman Bell. The resolution passed without opposition.
A resolution authorizing the mayor to enter into a maintenance agreement with the Alabama Department of Transportation for maintenance of the Alabama Highway Visual Enhancement Program passed unanimously.
The council approved a request to authorize bids for the sanitation department's purchase of a new garbage truck and body. Bids will open on May 11 at 2 p.m. and will be awarded at the May 16 meeting.
The council voted to release $13,218.39 in debt owed to the City of Greenville for ambulance and emergency medical services. The debt represents delinquent fees over 120 days old that have been determined to be un-collectable.
The council approved the following expenditures:
Payment to Greenville Ford in the amount of $1,289 was approved for a new transmission in police car number 67.
Payment to Sansom Equipment Company in the amount of $6,850 for the purchase of a new curb cutter for the street department.
Payment to Norman Insurance Service in the amount of $1,574.66 for a deductible expense for a 10/21/1997 legal claim settled against the city.
The next council meeting is scheduled for May 9 at 5:30 p.m.