Greenville employment office named most productive in state

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 29, 2000

After assisting more than 500 job seekers in locating employment over the most recent quarter, The Greenville Employment Security Office has been selected as the most productive medium-sized office in the state.

State Employment Service Director Sylvia Williams made the presentation on March 23 and said the staff of Greenville office should be proud of its effeciency.

"This productivity measurement award also takes into account the efficiency of staff in completing new work applications, placing veterans in jobs, finding jobs for unemployment compensation claimants and counducting job-search workshops for applicants," Williams said.

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Williams said in additon to finding employment for 517 job seekers in Butler County and the surrounding areas, the Greenville office also received 663 new job applications and 553 job orders from employers during the same time period.

The award was accepted on behalf of Steve Layfield, manager of the Greenville Office,

by assistant office manager Janice Grayson.