Bryant Marlow has success as Bulldog
Published 12:00 am Saturday, February 12, 2000
Special to the Advocate
Where are they now?
For one former Greenville High School football player, he can be found on the Georgia plains. Bryant MarIow now attends Georgia Military College in Milledgeville, Georgia` where he received a football scholarship.
Bryant holds the position of linebacker for the 5th rank NJCAA team. The Georgia Military Bulldogs had a victorious year ending the season with a record of 10-1 and participated in The Golden Isles Classic Bowl Game in Brunswick, Ga.
The Bulldogs were victorious over the 15th ranked Montgomery Maryland team, with a score of 41-6.
Bryant had an exciting season with the team. He participated in kickoff coverage and punt. He had a total of 35 tackles, six assists, two tackles for loss, four pressures and four quarterback sacks. The GMC BulIdogs head football coach is Robert Nunn, assistant coach and wide receiver/linebacker coach is Darryl Holmes.
Coach Nunn has recently accepted a position on the coaching staff for the Miami Dolphins.
GMC's next coach will come from the current staff.
The time that Bryant has spent at GMC has been filled with hard work, both physically and mentally. But Bryant said that he would not trade his experiences for anything.
He stated that GMC has instilled as well as sharpen certain qualities in his life. For instance, character, integrity and leadership. It is a school that thrives on academic excellency. Bryant said he likes the old adage, "Life is a mirror and will reflect back what you are."
At GMC, their number one goal is to make sure you like what you see when you're looking in that mirror.
Bryant says that most of his friends attend school in Alabama, but he decided to branch out, meet new people and be open to new experiences. Bryant's family and friends wish him well at GMC.