PCPA to hold workday, tour at historic cemetery
They’ve come a long way. The Pioneer Cemetery Preservation Association is making noticeable strides in restoring the historic cemetery in the heart of Greenville.
“Our stone mason, Charles Thomas, from north Alabama has done an amazing job,” said PCPA president Anne Feathers. “He came down on several of the hottest weekends we had and worked so hard. He has gotten several of the gravesites mended and you can really see the results of his work. And Jennifer Stringer (city horticulturist) has done a great job of keeping up the grounds on the cemetery. We haven’t even begun work on repairing the fence, but people are already noticing and commenting on the improvements.”
Feathers and PCPA board members invite interested community members to join in a tour of the cemetery at 10 a.m. on Saturday, November 13 and view the improvements that have been made. Along with repair of broken tombs made by Thomas and the grounds keeping by Stringer and her crew, Feathers said many stones have been scrubbed through the elbow grease of community volunteers.
“The cemetery is taking on a fresh, cared-for look that the city can once again take pride in the cemetery as the resting place of its early settlers in the heart of the city,” Feathers said.
At 9 a.m. on the same day, a workday will be held at the cemetery. PCPA members and others interested in helping are invited to help in the continuing improvements to the cemetery. Many graves have not yet been cleaned and a tour will show the other work needed. “We ask all who can are asked to bring a good brush, a bucket, and gloves, if desired, and join the fun of cleaning the stones/markers,” said Feathers.