GHS brings comedy to stage this weekend

Angela Thomas, LJ Scott and Chloe Langston rehearse for this weekend's production of CSI:Never-Ever Land at the GHS auditorium.
Enjoy a good laugh and puzzling mystery this weekend as the Greenville High School Old Gym Players, under the direction of Naomi Pryor, present “CSI:Never-Ever Land” in three performances.
Discover just who the dastardly do-badder was who stole Peter Pantaloon’s shadow in this parody of crime shows, filled with fairy detectives, dancing cannibals and “Lost Boys” who have turned into geriatrics.
The curtain goes up at 7 p.m. both Friday and Saturday nights, Dec. 3 and 4, with a 2 p.m. matinee set for Sunday, Dec. 5 in the GHS auditorium.
Tickets are $5. And speaking of curtains, the Drama Department is helping raise funds to replace the stage curtains with a donation jar to be set up at the door.