Butler County Schools to participate in MTSS program
Butler County Schools Superintendent Joseph Eiland announced Monday the county would participate in the Alabama State Department of Education Multi-Tiered System of Support (AL-MTSS) Program.
It is a framework for educators to use to assess the various needs of children in regards to their academic, behavioral, and wellness needs.
The program strives to ensure that all students receive equitable access to opportunities that will improve their chances of success.
“So many times, I believe, we’re guilty of focusing only on the academic assessment of the child,” Eiland said. “This approach is a total wrap-around system for our children, our parents, and stakeholders of this school system and Butler County.”
Eiland added, “For the first time in history, the school system is looking at doing everything possible and touching every side of a child’s life, to make certain that they are successful in school.”
The superintendent told the gathered crowd that we are all here for one reason: to lift up a child.
“It’s about how we serve our children,” he said.
Dr. LaWanda Mitchell said the system will do whatever is necessary to meet the needs of our students and that administrators are excited about the program.
“Everyone here today, you’re here because you care about students,” she said. “You care about kids. It’s about a system of support. We can improve the lives of our students.”
There are several ways the MTSS approach will help children.
The child will be given multiple tiers of instruction, intervention, and support as well as help with behavioral issues and problem-solving. The child will be evaluated on their communication, collaboration, and leadership abilities.
Students who struggle in school will get more support. If they are still struggling, then they receive more intensive instruction.
If that fails to help the student, then the child will be evaluated to determine if a learning or intellectual disability exists, or if there’s a language impairment.