Marli Campbell wins golf championship

Published 7:00 am Wednesday, May 22, 2024

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Marli Campbell, a senior at Fort Dale Academy, has made history as the first female from her school to win the Alabama Independent School Association (AISA) state championship for female low medalist in golf.

“Marli went to Fort Dale Academy third through seventh grade when she transferred to Greenville High School. She really loved it there,” said Jessica Campbell, Marli’s mother. “But by tenth grade she had a dream of playing golf and Fort Dale was the only school with a golf club. So she transferred back to Fort Dale.”

Marli’s journey to this achievement began just last year when she took up golf while working at the Robert Trent Golf Trail. Her interest in the sport quickly blossomed into a passion, leading her to attend the Auburn golf camp and start professional lessons with the goal of competing at the state level.

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“She practiced all year and qualified for state and won! She won first female low medalist,” Jessica Campbell said. 

Marli expressed her gratitude and love for the sport, reflecting on her journey from softball to golf. 

“Golf is a game of honor, and I am extremely grateful that I had the chance to play. My whole life I played softball until one day I decided to try out golf. I felt like I instantly clicked with the sport, and from that day I wanted to be an avid golfer,” Marli said. “During my first year of golf, I was the only girl on my team, but that didn’t stop me from achieving my goals.”

Her determination paid off as she qualified for the state by her second tournament this season and set a new record for her lowest score. 

“At the end of the season last year, I missed qualifying for state by four strokes,” Marli said. “I made a commitment to myself that my senior year I would achieve my goal of qualifying for state and hopefully winning the title of Female State Champion.”

Jessica Campbell highlighted Marli’s future plans as she prepares for college.

“She’s going to Auburn next to enroll in their professional Aviation program,” Jessica said. “She wants to be an airline pilot, but she hopes to continue playing golf while she’s there.”

Marli’s accomplishment is not only a personal triumph but something she hopes will also be an inspiration for future female golfers.

“It is such an honor and such an accomplishment to be able to say that I am the Female State Champion for 2024 AISA golf,” Marli said. “Hard work truly does pay off, and I hope to inspire girls in the future who decide to play.”