K-9 Rex receives protective vest

Published 3:00 pm Thursday, April 4, 2024

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Butler County Sheriff’s Office K-9, Rex, is set to receive a protective vest thanks to a generous donation from Vested Interest in K-9s, Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to providing bullet and stab protective vests to law enforcement dogs. The vest, sponsored by Nancy Allison Perkins of Flossmoor, Illinois, will be embroidered with the sentiment “Honoring those who served and sacrificed” and is expected to arrive within eight to ten weeks.

“We certainly needed it. They’re deputies just like we are and it’s important to make sure they have the necessary equipment to stay safe,” said Sheriff Danny Bond, emphasizing the significance of providing protective gear for K-9 deputies.

“When Deputy Howell came to me and asked if he could apply, I told him, ‘absolutely’ and we were fortunate enough to get it,” Bond said. “We’re going to shoot for one more for the other canine because we need to provide for them like a regular road deputy.”

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Vested Interest in K-9s, Inc. was established in 2009 and has since provided over 5,514 vests to K-9s in all 50 states, valued at $6.9 million. The organization relies on private and corporate donations to fund its mission of protecting K-9 officers. Each vest is custom-fitted, U.S. made, and certified, ensuring the safety of the four-legged officers who serve alongside their human counterparts.

Deputy Paige Howell, Rex’s handler, shared plans for additional safety measures for Rex. Howell, who previously adopted his retired K-9 partner, Bruiser, has a close bond with Rex and is committed to ensuring his safety and well-being.

“Here in the next few weeks, he’s going to be getting a medical kit too,” Howell said. “It will contain all the things you need for basic first-aid on a canine.” 

Vested Interest in K-9s, Inc. accepts tax-deductible donations, with a single donation of $985 sponsoring one vest. Contributions can be made through their website or by mail. For more information about the organization or to support their mission, visit www.vik9s.org or call 508-824-6978.

The Butler County Sheriff’s Office is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of their K-9 officers, recognizing their valuable contribution to law enforcement efforts. With the support of organizations like Vested Interest in K-9s, Inc., K-9 Rex and his fellow officers can perform their duties knowing they are protected.