Christmas through a child’s eyes

Published 6:04 pm Monday, January 1, 2024

An Editorial Opinion of the Greenville Advocate

In preparation for Christmas Eve, when children anticipate a visit from jolly old Saint Nick, our staff collect and publish Letters to Santa. The annual effort is aimed at giving a voice to our youngest community members and helping them let Santa know they have been good all year while sending him their gift requests and expressions of love.

The project is a heartwarming experience. Each year we chuckle over pre-K, kindergarten, and first grade Christmas wish lists – little Suzy wants a doll, Johnny asks for a “real” bunny, Angie gives Santa permission to bring her sister a present too.

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Reading the letters helps our staff recall our own childhood Christmas memories, hours spent pouring over Sears or Service Merchandise catalogs for new toys, visits to the mall for a visit with Santa, homemade cookies and glasses of milk left lovingly by the chimney for Santa.

But some of the letters evoke a more serious sentiment. One local young man asked Santa for a chance to visit with his daddy who is in heaven. Another wants only more time with his family.

One little boy asked Santa to tell the U.S. Marines to send his daddy  home for Christmas.

And all our hearts melted, hoping Santa would fill that wish along with all the others.

Christmas is a magical time for children. This year, many asked for iPhones, iPads, motorcycles – a host of items one wonders what a kindergarten child would have a need for. A little girl in Greenville wants a coyote, a nice one. A Demopolis child asked for money and a Selma boy needs a Nintendo Switch.

A Luverne pre-K student remarked she had no idea what one nice thing she did in 2023, but still hopes Santa will deliver a Barbie car. A Fort Deposit child requested a bicycle.

Christmas is a time when children can dream, heading to bed on Christmas Eve with the hope Santa will fill each request.

Our staff is glad for the glimpse into the hearts of our local children. We pray each one received what they desired and felt the love of the holiday season in their homes and in their hearts.