Moore votes to represent small business, homeland interests

Published 4:22 pm Friday, December 8, 2023

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On Friday, Rep. Barry Moore (AL-02) voted in favor of S.J. Res.32, a joint Congressional Review Act resolution of disapproval regarding a new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) rule. The new regulation requires banks to ask small business owners personal questions about their sexuality and gender as part of applying for a loan and also mandates that  personal information will then be added to the CFPB website.

“No small business owner should ever be forced to disclose information about their sexuality to apply for a loan,” Moore said. “This backwards rule puts small business owners at risk of having their private information compromised and bankers at risk by forcing them to ask questions violating customers’ privacy. Additional burdens on small businesses like these nonsensical reporting requirements are the last thing they need when they’re already struggling to keep their doors open due to Bidenomics.”

Moore also voted Thursday in favor of H.R. 5961, the No Funds for Iranian Terrorism Act. Sponsored by Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX), the legislation requires President Joe Biden to impose sanctions on foreign and international financial institutions that process, participate in, or otherwise facilitate a transaction involving certain Iranian funds, specifically approximately $6 billion that the Biden administration permitted to be transferred from restricted accounts in South Korea to restricted accounts in Qatar to aid the release of five U.S. citizens detained in Iran.

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“Biden has now released $16 billion in funds to Iran, the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism, who we know is funding Hamas atrocities,” said Moore. “This is a slap in the face to all Americans and our allies, and a welcomed gift to adversaries. This legislation would reverse these disastrous foreign policy decisions that have put many more lives in danger.”

Moore announced Friday he joined nearly 150 Republican colleagues on a letter authored by Rep. Rudy Yakym (R-IN) urging speaker Mike Johnson to support any legislative action before the end of the year which promotes pro-growth tax changes, specifically research and development expensing, full capital expensing and a pro-growth interest deductibility rule.

The letter reminded Johnson of the success of previous legislation, “In 2017, House Republicans led the way with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), a once-in-a generation tax reform. The TCJA improved America’s competitiveness and solidified the U.S. as the best place in the world to do business. To build upon this achievement, we believe we need urgent legislative action to support, spur, and secure American innovation, jobs, and competitiveness.” 

In a statement issued Thursday, Moore explained the impact pro-growth legislation will have on small businesses.

“Small business owners across Alabama are battling Biden’s red tape and his 17 percent inflation tax,” Moore said “House Republicans must pass legislation that extends these tax provisions so our small business owners can withstand the failure of Bidenomics, continue innovation, create jobs, and maintain competitiveness with businesses in other countries.”