Why do we grieve?

Published 4:27 pm Saturday, August 5, 2023

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By Jason Williams

Why do we grieve? It’s kind of a silly question, because we miss having our loved one here with us, but the premise of my question is that if someone has been a faithful follower of Christ, they are entitled to receive their heavenly reward. So, even though we miss them, they have reached the point that they have aspired to reach which is eternity with Christ. 

The first part of the equation is that the person is a follower of Christ and left no doubt in the hearts and minds of their loved ones and friends of their faith in Christ. Therefore, the reward in destiny is secured. 

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The second part of the equation is whether those that are still here have a complete faith and understanding of the promise of God through his Son Jesus Christ. This is creating the perfect scenario, and I know life is complicated when it comes to these things.

However, if these were the circumstances, shouldn’t our mourning become more of a celebration, a “job well done,” and “you made it?” 

We don’t deserve the salvation that Jesus affords us. It is only through his mercy and grace, forgiveness, and love that we can receive his inheritance. Eternal life is the inheritance intended for a perfect sinless life and only Jesus lived that life, but his inheritance is given to us through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. 

Therefore, we should rejoice when we know our loved one has reached that reward. John 10:28-30 tells us, “And I give them eternal life and they shall never perish. Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My father, which gave them me is greater than all, and no man is able to pluck them out of my father’s hand. I and my father are one.” 

Once we have received eternal life, we are protected in the father’s hand. Knowing our loved ones are in the father’s hands with eternal joy and love is always a reason to rejoice and not to mourn. 

God Bless. We would love for you to join us at Eastside Baptist Church in Georgiana. Please send questions and comments to eastsidebaptistchurch@ymail.com