24hr Fitness honors teachers and facilitates fellowship

Published 6:00 am Thursday, August 3, 2023

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Greenville 24hr Fitness is planning to honor teachers with a free loaded tea from their nutrition bar Aug. 8, from 7 a.m.- 4 p.m. Owner Craig Waller explained the giveaway is one way the gym tries to recognize and give back to the people who fill important roles and the workers in the community who are often overworked and underappreciated. 

“We want teachers to feel appreciated,” Waller said. “They are entrusted with our children close to eight hours a day. We as a community need to help them more by being a positive presence in our homes and supporting their efforts. Even if it’s something as small as a complimentary tea, we would like to give back and let them know we appreciate all of their hard work, and that we all couldn’t do what we do without them.”

This is not the gym’s first time finding a way to give back to the community. Waller described how during the June storms that left many residents without power or water, Greenville 24hr Fitness opened its doors to those in need of a shower and restroom. 

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“We had about 36 individuals come during the day and about 40 at night,” Waller said. “When you get in a situation like that, a shower can mean a lot, and it was something we could offer. We want to be here for anybody in the community that we can.”

In October the gym plans on hosting a “Family Fish Fellowship” in its parking lot for any and everyone, regardless of differing church affiliation or beliefs, to come together for fellowship and prayer. Details will be announced on the gym’s facebook page.

Waller is also starting “Craig’s CrossFit Class,” a short but impactful workout session beginning on Aug. 2.

“The class will be every Monday and Wednesday at 6 p.m. in the parking lot for only 20 minutes,” Waller said. “People are going to hate me at first, but when they start seeing the results of the class, they will realize the benefits and payoff.”

The gym’s nutrition bar, which offers protein shakes, loaded teas, and specialty and beauty drinks, is open from 6:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. every Monday through Friday, and is normally run by Waller’s wife Amber, or employee Ariana Martinez. A regular customer, Steffani Hood, expressed her love for the drinks and the gym.

“I just love this place,” Hood said. “I love the atmosphere and I love the people. It’s just a great environment.”