Do you have an eternity plan?

Published 10:46 am Saturday, July 29, 2023

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By Jason Williams

 In today’s world there are people whose jobs are to instruct others how to plan for their retirement. These people can tell you how much money you need to save and at what age you can retire. 

We invest our time figuring it all out to reach our retirement goals. Your retirement goals may involve traveling around the world with your spouse or your family or maybe your goals revolve around your hobby – hiking, boating, woodworking, sewing, or baking.

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But how much effort do you put into your eternity plan? 

Jesus offers us a salvation plan to save our eternity that is based on faith alone. How much effort should we put into our faith? 

Our eternity plan is based on our faith. Our faith in Christ is the currency we use to purchase our salvation and security. So how much effort should we be putting into cultivating our faith? 

We should be doing so much more than just a couple of hours on Sunday and maybe an hour on Wednesday evening. We should be building our faith every hour of every day. 

Your bank account is only as strong as what you deposit in it, your faith is no different. It’s only as strong as the investment you make in it. 

If eternity in heaven with Jesus is our end goal, then shouldn’t our investment in our faith be the most important investment we make. Shouldn’t we be more concerned with the strength of our faith portfolio above all other things.

Jesus cleared our sin debt on the cross, so that through our faith in Him we receive the gift of salvation and are insured the reward of eternity in heaven.

God bless. Please send questions and comments to

Also join me and my wife for our podcast, Life Behind the Pulpit on Spotify and iTunes. We would love to see you in person at Eastside Baptist Church on Sundays at 643 Oakwood St., Georgiana, AL.