GHS seniors earn college credit
Published 5:55 pm Friday, April 13, 2018
- Greenville High School seniors who earned college credits before graduation include, front, Jacolby Young; seated from left, Keundra Rush, Johniquia Canaty, Deja Bonner, De’Jonae Davis; standing from left, Kaitlyn Neese, Hireen Patel, Katie Reaves, Keondre Thomas, Laun Pryer, Kobe Bowen, Banes Carlyon, and Reagan Smith.
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As several Greenville High School seniors cross the stage and reach for their diploma at graduation next month, they do so as college students with many credit hours already completed.
“These young men and women are to be commended for taking their educational pursuits and career planning seriously by getting a started with college while attending high school,” said LBW Community College President Dr. Herb Riedel.
These seniors begin a new phase of academics ahead of their peers, graduating high school with 18 to 28 college credit hours earned through LBWCC’s dual enrollment program. Eligibility to participate begins with sophomores with a “B” average in completed high school courses.
“I’m very grateful for this opportunity to advance my studies before I even graduate high school,” said Kobe Bowen, who graduates with 22 college credits.
Bowen is among several GHS students with a head start toward achieving a college credential.
Jacolby Young and Banes Carlyon each complete high school with 28 college credit hours, both planning to attend the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) and ultimately pursue medical careers.
“I took dual enrollment classes to get a jump start on college and knock out some classes,” said Young.
“They are excellent avenues to get college credit without having to pay an insane amount,” said Carlyon.
Reagan Smith will transfer 27 college credit hours toward his music major at the University of Montevallo.
“I decided to take dual enrollment classes because it was more time convenient to take general education courses during high school,” he said.
Those graduating with 24 college credits are Laun Pryor, planning to major in civil engineering at UAB; Keondre Thomas, majoring in animal science and planning to transfer to Auburn University; Katie Reaves, a nursing major who plans to transfer to Auburn University at Montgomery; and De’Jonae Davis, also a nursing major planning to transfer to UAB.
“I decided to take dual enrollment because of the financial benefit,” said Davis. “I saved hundreds of dollars by doing dual enrollment instead of starting new at a four-year institution.”
Graduating with 22 college credit hours are Kaitlyn Neese, who plans to major in sports medicine and minor in sports management at Auburn University; and Hireen Patel, planning to study pre-pharmacy at UAB.
Each with 18 college credits at graduation are Joniquia Canaty, a psychology major planning to transfer to Auburn University; Keundra Rush, majoring in business administration and minoring in accounting with plans to transfer to Auburn; and Deja Bonner, taking general education courses before deciding a major and transferring to UAB.
Students completing an Associate Degree prior to transferring to a four-year institution improve earning potential with a college credential, said Riedel.
“That is especially important if students need to work during the last two years while attending a four-year institution. Those with an Associate Degree increase earning potential by $10,000 per year compared to those with a high school diploma.”
Classes are also offered during LBWCC’s summer term for dual enrollment and accelerated program students. In addition to full-term courses, two mini-terms are available to gain additional credit hours or create flexible schedules to still enjoy summer vacations, he said.
“Those interested in getting additional credit hours or getting that jump-start on college are encouraged to take advantage of summer classes. Our counselors, admissions staff, and financial aid staff are all available to answer questions and help students get started.”
For the first time, a summer incentive grant is offered by the LBWCC Foundation through an application process for 2018 high school graduates, transient students home from a four-year university for the summer, and high school students pursuing dual enrollment or accelerated programs. The grant provides one three-hour class free when a student pays for a three- or four-hour class. The grant is offered as long as the funds last, and the application is available on the College website.
For more information, visit, or call 334-382-3101.