Annual Raley Cousins Day set for Saturday
Published 4:57 pm Wednesday, February 14, 2018
- Pictured are Willie Annette Raley Horn and her six children.
Descendants of Jefferson Davis Raley and Sarah Rebecca Fannin will gather at The Chicken Shack on Saturday, February 17, 2018 in Luverne for a fun family luncheon.
More than 30 relatives attended last year’s Annual Cousin’s Day Luncheon. Everyone enjoys the delicious fried chicken, fellowship, sharing old family photos and catching up with one another.
Some came last year from Panama City, Fla. and Dallas, Ga., as well as north and south Alabama regions.
David Garner is working on a Raley Family genealogy chart listing ancestors that he will update each year with new generations.
This group of Raley and Horn cousins has been meeting for more than 40 years.
The Cousins Day Reunion is held each third Saturday in February at the Chicken Shack in Luverne.
Family members, friends and relatives will gather around 11 a.m. for set up and visitation.
At noon, Becky Horn Rogers, daughter of Ray M. Horn, sheriff of Crenshaw County for many years, and Mary Frances Garner, daughter of Frances Horn Boswell, will share family announcements and updates.
This will be followed by special recognitions of both the oldest living descendant attending Cousin’s Day Luncheon 2018, and the youngest relative attending the family gathering. For more information contact Mary Frances Garner at or (334) 318-0596.