Trick or Treat draws 2K to downtown
Published 11:00 pm Friday, November 3, 2017
- Sonya Sims Rice’s dancers impressed the crowd with their funky take on “The Addams Family” during their grande finale performance for the annual downtown Halloween event.
They came, they trick-or-treated and they seemed to have a blast.
An estimated 2,000 costumed kids and their families roamed downtown Greenville on Tuesday night as the Greenville Area Chamber of Commerce’s Trick or Treat on Commerce Street returned.
“I thought it was just fabulous. Our weather was great. Everything went very, very well and everyone seemed to have a really good time,” said Francine Wasden, executive director of the GACoC.
“I think this might be the biggest crowd we’ve ever had.”
This year, organizers opted to give the event a shorter route than in the past to help make the area easier to maintain and control, but it’s not set in stone for future events, Wasden says.
“We had our booths set up between the Presbyterian church and the post office this year, and it was certainly busy . . . it’s possible we will extend the route an extra half-block next year, but it’s hard to say just what the perfect length is for this event. It is also possible we will move more booths into Confederate Park and our Kid Zone.”
According to Wasden, 40 different area businesses, churches and organizations signed up to participate in the Halloween event downtown.
“A lot of those handing out candy to the kids dressed up, too, which made it even more fun for everyone,” Wasden commented.
She also praised Sonya Sims Rice and her group of dance students for their fun and funky performance in full makeup and costume to “The Addams Family” in front of city hall as the grande finale to Trick or Treat night in the Camellia City.
“Those girls were terrific! Sonya is so talented and she has some very talented dancers at her studio . . . what a wonderful way to close out our event,” Wasden said.
“Our police department did a great job blocking off the street and keeping an eye on everything; our city workers did a great job of getting the barricades moved before and after the performance, sweeping the street and getting everything back to normal in a very short amount of time. We appreciate everyone who donated to and supported the event, all the attendees who came and joined us and everyone who had a hand in making it a success.”