Library to hold Stuffed Animal Sleepover Monday
Published 10:08 am Wednesday, July 12, 2017
- The Greenville-Butler County Public Library extends an invitation to parents and their children to spend the night at the library with their favorite book and stuffed animal on Monday, July 17.
Have you ever wondered about the secret life of your child’s cuddly plush toys? Coming up next week, both you and your kids can have a wonderful time discovering the kinds of antics that go on while the rest of the household is sleeping.
The Greenville-Butler County Public Library is hosting its very first Stuffed Animal Sleepover next Monday, July 17. And here’s how it works.
“Your child brings one of their stuffed toys, preferably not their very favorite one, between 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. on July 17,” explains library director Kevin Pearcey. “Our staff will diligently register your child’s stuffed animal with his or her preferred name and any special needs the toy may have.”
And that’s when the fun really begins.
“Our library staff is going to let those stuffed animals loose in the library to see just what kind of mischief they can get into while the staff documents their activities with a camera.”
Come Tuesday at 10 a.m. the children are invited to come back, pick up their stuffed toys and enjoy a fun slide show displaying the stuffed animals’ overnight antics, followed by story time with their fuzzy plush friends.
Pearcey, who is always looking at what’s popular at other libraries across the nation, says events like the stuffed animal sleepover have proved a hit with children and adults alike.
“We are going to have a great time shooting the photos Monday night and can’t wait to see the children’s and the adults’ reactions on Tuesday at the slideshow. It’s not unlike the whole ‘Elf on the Shelf’ phenomenon.”
As a dad of young twin daughters himself, Pearcey finds himself thoroughly enjoying such activities geared towards little ones and the chance to share those kinds of “Kodak moments” with other parents and grandparents.
“The whole staff is looking forward to our first stuffed animal sleepover. It’s going to be a lot of fun for everyone,” said Pearcey.
Those interested in having their child participate can register at the circulation desk. For more information, contact the Greenville-Butler County Public Library at 383-3216.