Land transactions for July 18 – July 27, 2016
Published 5:06 pm Friday, July 29, 2016
The following land transactions were filed in Butler County between July 18 – July 27, 2016.
July 18
- State land commissioner of Alabama to Godchasers Ministries Inc. for DeJarnette Survey Greenville, including all of Lot 1 Block 20 of Thames S. Section 13, Township 10, Range 14, one parcel. Deed tax paid on $4,805.50.
- USDA Rural Housing Service to Kenneth Holman for Section 22, Township 10 North, Range 15 East, one parcel. Deed tax paid on $16,200.
- Allen Lee Ryan and Edward Ryan to Lee Ryan Donald for Lots 19-21 of Block 14 and Lot 18 of Block 14, one parcel. Deed tax paid on $244,400.
July 19
- James Benjamin Tate to James B. Tate and Laura Catalina Tate as trustees for the James B. Tate and Laura Catalina Tate Revocable Trust for Section 23, Township 10 North, Range 15 East, one parcel. Deed tax paid on $40,000.
- Bobby Jean Pope Cumbie, Mollie C. Pouncey, Susan C. Barganier and Kenneth P. Cumbie to Simmons Properties, LLC, for Section 32, Township 10, Range 15, one parcel. Deed tax paid on $12,000.
- Ward Land and Timber, LLC, to Charles Ward Jr. and Ramona Ward for Lot 18 of Block 70, one parcel. Deed tax paid on $105,000.
- Darlene Pouncey and Charles Michael Pouncey to Mika Jones and Jennifer Jones for Section 19, Township 8 North, Range 15 East, one parcel. Deed tax paid on $5,500.
- Timothy Stamps to Anthony Maye for Section 35, Township 8 North, Range 12 East, one parcel. Deed tax paid on $4,300.
July 21
- Evelyn Hinson to Ashley Grimes for Section 33, Township 11 North, Range 14 East, one parcel. Deed tax paid on $150,600.
- Hellon Knowles to Mary Burnette for Lot 2 of Block 79, one parcel. Deed tax paid on $25,000.
- Jane Beason Till and Jacob Dean Hladky to Cedar Creek Partners LTD for
- Section 16 and 17, Township 11 North, Range 12 East, one parcel. Deed tax paid on $440,000.
- Paul Mitchell to Arthur Nelson and John Hulett for Lot 16 of Block A and Lot 4 of Butler Estates Subdivision, one parcel. Deed tax paid on $20,000.
- Southeastern Energy Corporation to Mountain Express Oil Company Southeast, LLC, for Section 11, Township 10 North, Range 14 East, one parcel. Deed tax paid on $2,300.
- Mountain Express Oil Company Southeast, LLC, to Spirit SPE Portfolio CA C-Stores, LLC, for Section 11, Township 10 North, Range 14 East, one parcel. Deed tax paid on $2,688,000.
July 22
- Deborah Miller Blackmon to Alison Edwards for Section 5, Township 9 North, Range 15 East, one parcel. Deed tax paid on $87,200.
- Carol Knight Birden to James Donald Carmichael Sr. for Section 30, Township 11, Range 12, one parcel. Deed tax paid on $452,300.
July 25
- Russell Woodlands, LLC, to The Broadway Group, LLC, for Section 35, Township 10 North, Range 15 East, one parcel. Deed tax paid on $195,000.
- Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation to George Jump for Section 8, Township 10 North, Range 14 East, one parcel. Deed tax paid on $22,500.
- Secretary of Veteran Affairs to Archie Woodruff for Lot 1 of Block D of the Country Club Estates Subdivision, one parcel. Deed tax paid on $16,000.
- Larry Cook and Brian Cook to Clifford Twilley and Edwina Twilley for Section 4, Township 11 North, Range 13 East, one parcel. Deed tax paid on $513,107.
- Randal Nicholas Builder Inc to Patrick B. Perdue for Lot 10 Cloverdale Ridge Plat 3 Phase II, one parcel. Deed tax paid on $189,825.
July 26
- Claude Ealum and Jason Ealum to Ealum Land and Cattle, LLC, for Section 32, Township 8 North, Range 13 East, one parcel. Deed tax paid on $130,000.
- Carla Gaines to Cathi Fallin for Lot 13 Block 50 according to the G.K. Armes of the City of Greenville, one parcel. Deed tax paid on $6,000.
- Vernon Reaves to Christopher Schofield and Julie Schofield for Section 28, Township 10, Range 13, one parcel. Deed tax paid on $7,100.
July 27
- Lillian Sue Skipper to Coker Real Estate, LLC, for Lots 89-91 and 117-118 of the Flowers Heights Subdivision, and Lot 13 of Block 80, four parcels. Deed tax paid on $65,000.
- Reuben Burkett to Carlton Cook for Section 26, Township 8 North, Range 15 East, two parcels. Deed tax paid on $49,997.50.