Retired educators award scholarships
Published 10:02 am Wednesday, June 8, 2016
The Butler County Education Retirees Association presented three recent graduates with scholarships Tuesday at a luncheon held at Shoney’s.
Greenville High School’s Sellers Swann, Georgiana School’s Katelyn Fuller and McKenzie School’s Danielle Scott each received $400 scholarships.

The Butler County Education Retirees Association presented three recent graduates with scholarships Tuesday at a luncheon held at Shoney’s. Each year the organization presents a scholarship to one graduating senior from Greenville High School, Georgiana School and McKenzie School. Pictured are, from left to right, Wayne Boswell, BCERA president; Sherry Fuller, mother of Georgiana School recipient Katelyn Fuller; Danielle Scott, McKenzie School; Sellers Swann, Greenville High School; Allin Whittle, BCERA scholarship committee chairman; and Francine Wasden, Greenville Area Chamber of Commerce executive director. (Advocate Staff/Andy Brown)
Allin Whittle, scholarship committee chairman, said it was “hard task” to select the scholarship recipients.
“It was like two bad dentist’s appointments,” Whittle joked. “It was difficult to sort through all the applicants and choose. We had some hard choices.”
BCERA President Wayne Boswell said the association members are thrilled to be able to help the recent graduates continue their education.
“Even though we are retired, we’re still interested in what’s going on in the school system, and we’re excited to be able to award these scholarships,” he said. “We wish the recipients all the best in the future.”
Swann will be attending the University of South Alabama and majoring in biomedical science.
Fuller will be attending Auburn and plans to major in veterinary science.
Scott will be attending LBW Community College in the fall and plans to later transfer to AUM and major in nursing.
Each year, the BCERA presents a scholarship to one graduating senior from each of the school system’s three high schools.