Library preparing for renovations
Published 10:47 am Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Greenville-Butler County Public Library will be closed May 23 through May 31 for staff and city employees to prepare for an extensive interior renovation project to the main facility. The renovations will begin June 1. (Advocate Staff/Andy Brown)
The Greenville-Butler County Public Library will be closed May 23 through May 31 for staff and city employees to prepare for an extensive interior renovation project to the main facility.
Work starts on June 1, said Library Director Kevin Pearcey, but workers need time to remove the library’s collection, furniture, shelving and other property from the space before the contractor takes over.
“When you’re trying to plan a project of this magnitude it’s really difficult to come up with a schedule that is ideal for everyone,” said Pearcey. “We felt summer time was the best option because so many students make use of our services during the school months, yet at the same time summer is usually our busiest months so there’s that tradeoff. We just ask everyone to bear with us through this process because the end result is going to be well worth it.”
The library will reopen on June 1 in the Community Room just off the entrance, said Pearcey. Services available will generally be limited to checking out books and other materials, as well as copying services and wireless access, though this may be sporadic, said Pearcey, due to the nature of the work involved on the facility. Unfortunately, the library will be unable to offer public access computers and printing services, Pearcey said, due to spatial constraints and lack of wiring in the Community Room.
“We are trying to work out where we can have a few computers for people conducting job searches and need help filling out applications,” he said. “Also, as much of our collection will be offsite in storage, generally the materials we will have will be newer books and summer required reading texts for students as well as DVDs.”
Renovations to the interior of the library include: new paint, carpet, and tile throughout the building; new furniture and shelving; refurbished bathroom facilities; and a remodeled children’s area. The library is also adding new computer workstations, signage and display areas to the facility.
The Community Room, as well as the library’s historical society space and Alabama Room, are also scheduled for a remodel.
Renovation to the facility will take approximately 60 days, said Pearcey.
“Near the end of the renovation schedule we will need to close on a temporary basis for work to be done to the Community Room,” he said.
Also, workers will need time to move in and install the new furniture and shelving and restock the library with the collection, said Pearcey.
“We believe we’ll be able to hold a grand re-opening to the entire facility either the week of Aug. 8 or Aug. 15 and we certainly want the public to come out and see the new library when it’s complete” he said.
Norris Building Co. of Montgomery is the general contractor for the project.