Absentee voting underway
Published 9:42 am Thursday, February 4, 2016
With the county, state and national primary just less than a month away, deadlines are approaching for Crenshaw County residents to register to vote and to cast absentee ballots.
The Republican and Democratic primaries take place March 1 and the ballot will include the presidential races, as well as a race for district attorney, three associate justices on the Alabama Supreme Court, Public Service Commission president and Congressional races.
The last day for voters to register, via hand-delivery at courthouses, is Friday, Feb. 12, and all voter registration forms being sent by mail must be postmarked by Feb. 13.
Sandra Berry will serve as the absentee election manager.
“In order to request an absentee ballot, voters must meet one of six requirements,” she said, including:
• The person will be out of the county or state on Election Day.
• The person has a physical illness or infirmity which prevents his or her attendance at the polls, regardless of whether or not he or she is in the county on election day.
• The person works a 10-hour or more shift that coincides with the hours the polls are open on election day.
• The person is enrolled as a student in an educational institution outside the county of personal residence.
• The voter is a member of or the spouse or dependent of a member of the U.S. armed forces.
• The voter has been appointed as an election officer or named as a poll watcher at a polling place other than his or her regular polling precinct.
All applications for absentee voting and voter information are available on the website of the Alabama Secretary of State at www.sos.state.al.us, as well as in the Probate Office at the Crenshaw County Courthouse.
All completed absentee applications must include the Alabama residence where the voter is registered to vote, even if the ballot is mailed to another address where the applicant or voter regularly receives mail.
A valid photo ID is required for applications and a valid voter ID is required to cast ballots.
Voters in the March 1 primary will choose to cast either Republican or Democrat ballots. Both ballots will include a vote on a statewide amendment to authorize a retirement program for district attorneys and circuit clerks hired after the Nov. 6 election.