LETTER: Coach Daniel taught values on and off field
Published 1:24 pm Friday, April 24, 2015

Retired coach Glenn Daniel throws out the first pitch at Saturday’s playoff game. CONTRIBUTED | KIM SMILEY
I know you don’t know me but, I grew up in Luverne a number of years ago and
I enjoy keeping up with all of the local new via the Luverne Journal each week.
I very much enjoyed see the photograph of Coach Daniel and caption concerning his throwing out the first pitch for the opening of the baseball playoff.
I was very fortunate to be able to play baseball in the “Little League” and “Babe Ruth” League that Coach Daniel created back in the 50’s and 60’s. I eventually went on to play Baseball in High School for Coach Daniel with some great athletes (Hamp Russell, Butch Norman, Wayne Rolling, David West, Mike Stroud) just to name a few.
The values and principles that Coach Daniel taught us both in the classroom and the baseball field are very important to all of us.
I wish continued good health to Coach. You are doing a great job at the Journal keep up the good work.
Alton Kersker
Cincinnati, Ohio