FAITH COLUMN: Fully and freely given
Published 4:59 pm Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Amanda Ackerman
Oh the blood that was shed for me and you! The price that Jesus paid on that cross was the ultimate sacrifice.
As we celebrated His death and resurrection this month, we need to celebrate Him every day!
Jesus knew that we were going to sin before we even came into this world (Jeremiah 1:5).
Think about this… He knew that you and I would be right here in this community together.
He knew that we would all do things that broke His heart. He knew that there would be sin in each one of our lives that would separate us from Him (John 3:16).
He also knew that you and I would forever perish in eternal hell if He did not die on that cross. But, He loves us! So as our Father, He died for our sins.
As a parent, I would lay down my life for my children. It’s the same way for Jesus to give His life for us.
The price for eternal life was paid in full and freely given. Just as His blood flowed from His body, life came into this world.
Hell could not hold Him and the grave could not keep Him!
He WILL return for His children. John 14:3, Revelation 22:12-14
Are you ready?
Amanda Ackerman is a women’s ministry leader and speaker from Luverne.