HOSA makes splash at state
Published 5:55 pm Thursday, March 26, 2015

The local HOSA chapter sent several delegates to the state convention and competition. Pictured are, on the bottom row, Cassidy Catrett, Haeden Helms, Taylor Stewart, Abbi Sanders, Ascia Brown, Kaitlin Galloway and Becky Cornelius. In the middle row, are Layken Sanders, Bailey Wilson, Megan Hudson, Kelly Morgan, Za’Keyia Bell and Kai Campbell. At the top are Cameron Haws, Greg McDougald, Josh Hermeling, Jace Baines and Max McDougald.
Eighteen members of Crenshaw County’s Health Occupations Students of America participated in this year’s state leadership conference in Montgomery.
The students competed in a variety of events such as HOSA bowl, career health display, health education, Outstanding HOSA chapter and Pharmacology.
The students were able to hear a motivational speaker and network with more than 1,200 students registered for the state HOSA conference.
Club members brought home several awards. The HOSA club was awarded a $100 cash prize and first place in the ”Healthy Vitals” State Project for submitting an explanation of a booth project the students conducted at local Kidcheck health screenings as a way to help in making this community healthier.
Kaitlin Galloway was elected to be a HOSA State Officer, which is a very prestigious position. She will be representing Alabama’s HOSA at several events throughout the state and nation in the upcoming year.
Abbi Sanders and Haeden Helms placed second for their project displaying the career of a NICU Nurse.
Bailey Wilson submitted a scrapbook, where the club was recognized as an Outstanding HOSA Chapter. These students are eligible to compete at the national level in June in Anaheim, California! The banner in the picture supports this year’s HOSA theme…”HOSA: Lead!”