FDA crowns a pair of queens
Published 6:28 pm Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Junior High Miss FDA’s top five are (left to right) Alexandra Peyton Little, Caroline Wood, first runner-up and Miss Congeniality Mary Avery Keen, Junior Miss FDA 2015 Hannah Marie Jayroe and Mary Katherine Salter.
A bevy of young beauties graced the stage of the historic Ritz Theatre Saturday night as Fort Dale Academy presented “Bella Luna.”
Both the junior and senior high queens for 2015 were crowned during a single program this weekend with April Lowery serving as mistress of ceremonies.
A near-standing room-only audience of family, friends and classmates was on hand to cheer on their favorite contestants.
A total of 14 contestants vied for the crown of Junior Miss FDA, with Hannah Marie Jayroe taking top honors. Hannah, wearing an exquisite blue satin gown with a sequined sleeveless bodice, received her queen’s tiara from last year’s winner, Kelsey Elizabeth Woodard.
Mary Avery Keen was selected both first runner-up and Miss Congeniality. Caroline Grace Wood, Mary Katherine Salter and Alexandra Peyton Little rounded out the top five for the junior high portion of the program.
The other lovely junior high contestants included Megan Edgar, Emma Jo Thomas, Hannah Schofield, Anna Elizabeth Salter, Sydney McGriff, Caitlin Edgar, Amber Haley Smith, Sammi Helms and Hayden Fail.
“Kith and kin” took back-to-back honors for the senior high program. Miss FDA 2014, Lauren Gibson, crowned her cousin Madison Gibson Miss FDA 2015. The new senior high queen wore a striking strapless black sheath intricately embellished with white sequins. Morgan Davis was chosen both first runner-up and “Miss Congeniality,” with Emiley Katherine Wells taken second runner-up honors.
Fellow senior high lovelies included Mary Hannah Miller, Holland Steadham, Alexandra Harper, Chey-Anne Kilpatrick, Kathryn Crocker, Ashton Scott, Kendall Paige Hay and Cailyn Peavy Thompson.
The annual event is sponsored by Pat Skipper and the FDA Yearbook staff.