LETTER: It just made our day
Published 4:31 pm Thursday, February 12, 2015
Hello, my name is Dick Donatelle from New Richmond, Wis.
My wife Mary and I were driving to Florida the last week of December.
It was time for breakfast and we saw a sign for Mattie’s café, so we decided to stop.
We walked in and the place was rather full of men having morning coffee.
There was a man sitting by the door who asked us how far we had come, so we told him.
We then ordered our food and talked to a few men there that asked us some questions about Wisconsin – the cold, the cheese etc.
The man who we first talked to was very kind, as they all were, and we asked some questions about the area. He then left and we finished our meal, (which was very good and the server was kind also).
When we went to pay, the server told us that Charles West, the sheriff, had taken care of our bill.
It just made our day and is something we won’t forget.
You have a very nice town and it is very friendly, Thanks for the nice visit.
Dick Donatelle
New Richmond, Wis.