GUEST COLUMN: Rethink pink
Published 8:41 pm Thursday, November 6, 2014
As I looked around town during the month of October, all I saw was pink.
Not only in Luverne, but all over this country, pink was displayed.
I love pink and the idea behind Breast Cancer Awareness. I have had three-plus family members and known people in this community who were diagnosed with breast cancer.
But, why don’t other colored ribbons get displayed around the world with the same respect?
There are several other forms of cancer that are just left in the background without any recognition.
On the other hand, some people have health problems that are worse than any form of cancer could ever be.
Yes, I am a young lady and I may never know when my immediate family or I will have to fight breast cancer. But, sources state that most breast cancer cases are 90 percent curable.
I believe that all cancers should be treated as equal.
When we choose to display the color pink, we should also choose to display a different cancer awareness color each month.
I was diagnosed with a brain tumor in November 2003. My life journey has been tough from day one; it’s something that I just have to live with.
Ninety percent of my health problems are not curable, but I just live life to the fullest. I show my support by wearing grey and advocating in May, not only for myself, but for others who have lost the battle to brain cancer.
To only support Breast Cancer is a little offensive to me because I have severe pituitary damage, I am a diabetic, I have low bone density, arthritis, chronic pain syndrome, and have to take steroids to just maintain a quality of life.
This coming year, let’s start off right. For January, show your support by wearing teal and white for cervical cancer.
In February, wear green for gallbladder cancer.
In March, wear orange for kidney cancer.
In April, wear periwinkle for esophageal cancer and multicolor for autism.
May is lupus month so wear purple.
Sarcoma (bone) cancer is recognized in July so wear yellow.
In September, we should recognize ovarian cancer by displaying teal; leukemia by wearing orange; thyroid cancer by wearing teal, pink and blue; and prostate cancer by wearing light blue.
In October, support breast cancer by wearing pink.
Last, but not least, in November, support lung cancer by displaying white.
These are just to name a few. There are even more cancers that still need to be acknowledged.
Red is used to support diabetes and heart disease (stroke).
Wear dark blue for arthritis.
Don’t wait for the designated month to show your support, but support and advocate all year long.
Let’s bring not only cancer but all debilitating illnesses to the forefront.
Luverne resident Alexis Curry is a student at Lurleen B. Wallace Community College.