Annual Heritage Cook-Off set for July 12
Published 1:49 pm Thursday, July 3, 2014
The Butler County Farmers Federation Women’s Committee (BCFFWC) will host the 8th annual Heritage Cook-Off on July 12.
The event will begin at 1 p.m. at the Greenville-Butler County Public Library. The category this year is pound cake, and the organization is looking for cooks to enter their best pound cake in the contest. The winner will go on to complete at the state level in September.
A panel of judges will evaluate the entries based on taste, appearance, and presentation. The judges will be looking for a pound cake that is interesting and different, flavorful, well-seasoned and attractive. Judges will also be looking for recipe layouts in the correct, easy to understand format. The contest will conclude with everyone sampling the entries.
Janell Powell took home first place in last year’s county competition with her Mexican cornbread. Sylvia Peterson and Charlene Powell were also winners in last year’s cornbread contest.
Entry in the contest is limited to members of the Farmers Federation. Membership is $30 a year and can be obtained by visiting the local ALFA office for a membership form. Entry forms for the cook-off are available by contacting Dixie Black at 376-0155.