Exhibit based on mother’s photos
Published 3:35 pm Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Local artist T.K. Lee and her granddaughter Arabella Lee pose in front a few of her works from her exhibit “Tanzania a Spiritual Journey.” (Advocate Staff/Morgan Burkett)
By Morgan Burkett
The Greenville Advocate
The High Horse Gallery will be transformed into a distant land Thursday.
The gallery will host “Tanzania: A Spiritual Journey.” The showing is a collection of works by local artist T.K. Lee.
Lee’s recent artwork has 17 pieces made up of silk screens, block print, solar plate prints and paintings. The exhibit that will be on display at The High Horse Gallery is based on her mother’s photographs from her missionary journey to Tanzania, Africa, and was also the subject of her master’s degree thesis.
“I chose this topic because the thesis required a unified body of work that has a single theme or subject,” Lee said. “During the time that I had to choose my topic my mother was on her second trip to Africa. She was on my mind and in my prayers so often that I thought using her work was a way to honor her and God.”
Lee is originally from Tennessee where she earned her bachelor’s degree in graphic design from Austin Peay State University. She earned a master’s of liberal art degree in studio art from Auburn University Montgomery.
For the last 15 years she has taught art at Fort Dale Academy, as well as private art lessons.
“I love the children, teaching, and the thrill of the creative process,” said Lee.
Lee’s exhibit will be on display Thursday beginning at 6 p.m.
“I’m so excited to have such a talented artist (display her work at the gallery),” said Mary McKinley, owner of The High Horse Gallery. “We are also proud to say that Ms. Lee will be one of our gallery artists and we will do a workshop with her soon.”