Douthitt issues resignation at BoE meeting

Published 7:21 pm Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Butler County Superintendent Darren Douthitt made his departure official to a standing-room-only crowd at Tuesday night’s school board meeting.

Douthitt has accepted the superintendent position for the Anniston City School System beginning next month.

Douthitt began his career in education as a teacher for the Anniston City School System, teaching English, speech, multicultural studies and GRE remediation from 1993 until 1998.

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In his closing remarks to the community, Douthitt acknowledged several members of his staff and in the community who served as a support system in Butler County, but speaking with his ailing mother when visiting in Anniston was enough to convince him to leave.

“She told me ‘baby boy, you need to come home,’ and that was enough for me,” Douthitt said.

“She was the foundation for all my success, not the board or anyone else in this room.”

Douthitt ended his remarks with fond recollection of his years of service.

“I appreciate the opportunity to be here,” he added.

“I kept my focus on students, and that’s what kept me sane.”

The Butler County Board of Education will reconvene with the community Thursday to appoint an interim superintendent for the district.

Butler County Board of Education President Terry Williams said that a candidate who already has firmly established roots within the community would be a bonus, as well as an understanding of what the job would entail.

“As an interim superintendent, we’re looking for someone who understands what a superintendent does and what a superintendent will do,” Williams said.

Williams added that though the selection of Douthitt’s temporary replacement is a responsibility that will fall solely on the members of the board, it is a community decision nonetheless.

“We need community involvement, so that whoever is selected can work with the community,” Williams added.

According to Williams, Douthitt will be difficult to replace, though he can relate to his decision for leaving.

“I understand what he’s doing now, by going back to where he came from, because that’s one of the reasons that I came back to Butler County,” Williams said.

“My father took ill while I was away and I came back to get involved in my dad’s life. It was a joy to go to board meetings, and it was a joy working with him.”

The special board meeting will be held on January 30 at 6 p.m. at the central office boardroom at 949 Oglesby Street.