Butler County GOP sets qualifying dates
Published 8:11 am Friday, January 10, 2014
The Butler County Republican Party has announced that it will open qualifying for the 2014 elections on Monday.
Qualifying will begin at 8 a.m. Monday and close at 5 p.m. Feb. 7.
“I’ve had several people inquire about running for the school board here in the county,” said Cleve Poole, local GOP chairman. “A little interest has been shown in a few other positions, as well.”
Locally, the sheriff, revenue commissioner, district court judge and coroner are up for election.
Statewide, the governor, state senators and representatives, most of the constitutional offices and a few of the appellate judges will be on the ballot.
While none of Butler County’s elected officials are Republican, Poole said the county does support the GOP.
“The county as a whole votes for Republicans for many statewide offices and in federal elections,” he said. “I think, as Republicans continue to be more mainstream in the state, there will be Republicans elected for local offices.”
At present time, all statewide offices are held by Republicans.
Candidates for statewide offices must qualify with the state Republican Party, while candidates for local offices must qualify with the local party.
Those interested in qualifying can contact Cleve Poole at cpoole@cpoole.com or 334-399-0340.