Camellia Longbeards donate to DHR
Published 1:57 pm Monday, November 25, 2013

The Camellia Longbeards donated 12 turkeys Friday to the Butler County Department of Human Resources to aid families in need during Thanksgiving. Pictured are, from left to right, Ronnie Graddy, Lisa Butts, Rebecca Butts, Wanda Coleman, Tom Nicholas, Todd Campbell and Tommie Means. (Advocate Staff/Andy Brown)
The Camellia Longbeards donated 12 turkeys Friday to the Butler County Department of Human Resources to aid families in need during Thanksgiving. The turkeys were purchased with funds from the group’s annual banquet. The Camellia Longbeards’ next banquet is scheduled for March 21 at the Kiwanis Club building at the Butler County Fairgrounds.