Still no Dozier Police decision
Published 8:54 am Thursday, September 5, 2013
The Dozier Town Council is still mulling its next step in potentially hiring a new police chief for the south Crenshaw County town.
Clerk Ann Holland said Tuesday the town council had not made a decision on what to do yet.
In May, the town announced it had several applicants for the position, but no hire had been made as it was still waiting on input from an attorney on the terms of a number of grants.
Applicants included Ronnie White, Heath Truman and David Butler all of whom have previous law enforcement experience.
The town has been without a police chief since late March, when then-chief Terry Mears resigned.
Mears’ salary was partially funded by a COPS grant from the U.S. Department of Justice.
The COPS grant was set to run out in June.