Girl Scouts visit local businesses
Published 11:10 am Thursday, August 1, 2013

Girl Scout Troop 9248 visited the Greenville Area Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday, while the scouts worked toward earning their business owner merit badge. Pictured are front row, from left to right, Megan Wright, Harley Overstreet and Sydney Folds. Second row, from left to right, Catherine Pope, Jamie Pickens, Abby Overstreet and Shalyn Halford. Third row, from left to right, Francine Wasden and Kathy Pickens.
Not pictured, Jess Causey, Mackenzie Blackmon and Shelby Overstreet. (Advocate Staff/Andy Brown)
Girl Scout Troop 9248 visited the Greenville Area Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday, while the scouts worked toward earning their business owner merit badge. Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Francine Wasden spoke to the scouts about having a business plan, offering great customer service, managing finances wisely, embracing the need for change, surrounding oneself with talented people and embracing a calling one loves. The scouts also visited McFerrin’s Jewelry, Marilyn’s Hair Designs, Butler County Bank, Camellia Communications, The Pineapple, and Camellia City Bakery & Deli.