Kiwanis Club promotes RIF Program
Published 3:26 pm Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Kiwanis Club recently helped promote the Reading is Fundamental program by reading to children at the Greenville Headstart program. The program is designed to get the children involved in reading and building their library of books at home. Reading Is Fundamental (RIF) is the largest children’s literacy nonprofit in the United States. The program is made possible locally through the Kiwanis Club, Key Club students and community volunteers. The Kiwanis Club hosts the RIF program three times a year. Above, Kathy Smyth reads a story to students at Greenville’s Headstart. (Advocate Staff/Laura Gibbs)
The Kiwanis Club recently helped promote the Reading is Fundamental program by reading to children at the Greenville Headstart program. The program is designed to get the children involved in reading and building their library of books at home. Reading Is Fundamental (RIF) is the largest children’s literacy nonprofit in the United States. The program is made possible locally through the Kiwanis Club, Key Club students and community volunteers. The Kiwanis Club hosts the RIF program three times a year.