Election set for next Tuesday

Published 11:32 am Thursday, March 8, 2012

While many counties have local races on next week’s election ballot, Crenshaw County voters will only deal with state and national candidates.

All local races will be voted on during the general election in November, and not during Tuesday’s party primaries.

Voters will have to choose whether to vote as a Democrat or as a Republican in Tuesday’s election, and Probate Judge Jim Perdue said most of the activity will be on the Republican side.

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The only races on the Democratic ballot are for the president nominee, Barack Obama or uncommitted, and presidential delegates.

The Republican ballot features presidential candidates and delegates, along with a few state races.
“On the back of the ballot are races that relate to statewide offices,” Perdue said.

Those races include Supreme Court Justice (Charlie Graddick, Chuck Malone or Roy Moore), Associate Justice of the Supreme Court Place No. 1 (Tommy Bryan or Debra H. Jones), Public Service Commission President (Chip Brown, Twinkle Andress Cavanaugh or Kathy Peterson) and State Board of Education District 1 (Jessica James or Tracy Roberts).

Perdue said that Republican voters should be careful while marking their ballots in order to avoid having their ballot rejected by the voting machine.

“If you vote for a candidate for president, you can only vote for delegates for that candidate,” he said. “For example, if you voted for Santorum for the presidential candidate but then voted for a Gingrich or Romney delegate, it would be rejected.”

Perdue also said that he hopes to have a good turnout, but the lack of local candidates may affect that.

He also noted that the county has been redistricted, so a few voters may be voting in a different location.

“The people affected by that should have gotten a letter, but if anyone has questions, they can check the voters’ list or call the registrar’s office,” Perdue said.

The voters’ list was printed in the Luverne Journal on Feb. 16.

The registrar’s office or probate judge’s office can be reached at 335-6568.