Club ‘paints the town December’
Published 8:28 am Thursday, December 29, 2011

Members of the drama club include Mia Crenshaw, Natavia Smith, Dysheki Feagin, Flora Mixon, Madison Edwards, Jackson Edwards, Greyson Edwards, Preston Hoffman, Kiara Posey, Tangela Posey, Kayla Motley, Amaya Jackson, Krystal Boswell, Javarie Campbell, Tereon Campbell, Aaliyah Studstill and Turner Vickery. The club is sponsored by Georgiana School band director Abigail Turner and art teacher Janet Croley. (Submitted Photo)
The Georgiana School drama club performed the musical “Paint the Town December” to an audience of parents, students and faculty on December 15. After the performance, the Georgiana School Parents and Teachers Organization served cookies and hot chocolate to the attendees. Due to popular demand, the club held an encore performance for the school’s elementary students.