Winners from GBCPL story contest
Published 5:53 pm Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Winners in the Greenville-Butler County Public Library's Spooktacular Story Contest were, left to right, Hannah Lynch, McKenzie School, (Honorable Mention); Lindsey Gibson, Greenville Middle School, (3rd Place - Tie); Bre'Yuna Herbert, Greenville Middle School (Honorable Mention); Jasmine Cook, Greenville High School (2nd Place). Not Pictured: Adorian Maye, McKenzie School (Honorable Mention); Taylor Hartley, Georgiana School (Honorable Mention). Advocate Staff/Patty Vaughan

Winners in the Greenville-Butler County Public Library's Spooktacular Story Contest were, left to right, Daphne Moore, (Honorable Mention); Anne Matthews, (1st Place); Clint Harrison (3rd Place -Tie), all from Fort Dale Academy. Contributed Photo