City of Berry thanks Panthers
Published 10:58 am Wednesday, May 11, 2011
The City of Berry, Alabama wants to send a big “thank you” to the Georgiana Panthers football team. With the help of Principal Mr. Joseph Dean – Head Football Coach David Watts, Athletic Director Coach Kirk Norris, Coach Sallie, Coach Mims, several Georgiana Panther football players and managers made the four-hour trip to Berry, Alabama on Saturday, May 7 to volunteer their time and efforts to help several people who went through the tragic tornado on Wednesday, April 27.
Coach Watts called me shortly after the tornado asking me what he could do to help us. He asked me if he could bring some of the coaches and players with him and help in any way that was needed. He said they were willing to do anything – they just wanted to help.
This group of coaches and players have made a lasting impression on all of the people who had the pleasure of meeting them. These guys are first class in every way. They worked out in the heat for several hours – cutting up trees with a chain saw (the coaches operated the chain saws), carrying tree limbs and brush, moving numerous cement blocks and boards, moved a porch which had been blown away from a home, and any other job that came up at the moment. Even though they were all worn out and soaking wet with sweat, they were so polite and courteous. It was a touching experience to see a group of young men truly just wanting to help people. Not only do the people of Berry want to thank the Georgiana Panthers’ administration, coaches, players, and managers – but we want the people of Georgiana to know that you have a special group of young people who represent your community extremely well. You truly have a WINNING team.
Thank you all for giving us such a blessing. May God bless you all.
Danny Raines
Berry High School
Head Football Coach