Greenville native earns LBW awards
Published 8:00 am Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thomas Polen of Greenville, right, was recently named LBW Community College’s 2011 Outstanding Business Administration Student. Presenting the award on the Andalusia campus was John Carpenter, LBWCC accounting and business instructor. (Submitted Courtesy of LBWCC)
Greenville native Thomas Polen, right, was recently named LBW Community College’s 2011 Outstanding Business Administration Student. Presenting the award on the Andalusia campus was John Carpenter, LBWCC accounting and business instructor. Polen was also named one of the school’s Distinguished Transfer Honor Students. Requirements for the award include having attended one or more postsecondary institutions prior to attending LBWCC, completing a minimum of 12 credit hours at LBWCC, and maintaining a minimum cumulative grade point average of 4.0.