BOE votes to establish line of credit
Published 2:46 pm Tuesday, May 4, 2010
The Butler County BOE voted to take a “proactive step” in the face of dwindling reserve funds and the possibility of not being able to meet payroll in September. “I am recommending we establish a line of credit of $700,000 with Butler County Bank for the current fiscal year which ends September 30, 2010 . . . in order to be proactive and make sure we can meet payroll,” said interim principal Joseph Dean.
The board voted unanimously to adopt the request.
Dean also clarified lines of credit can only be established for the current fiscal year and the process may be required again in 2011.
In other board actions, the BOE:
*Approved request for permission to advertise for bids for a new web filter for the school system. Federal law requires a filter for public schools’ Internet connections and the current filter contract is expiring. Technology director Matthew Shell said he would be looking into a filter that would be more “user-friendly” for the system’s teachers.
* Approved declaration of surplus property and gave permission for its disposal.
*Approved request of the lease by the City of McKenzie of McKenzie School’s Baseball-Athletic Field, including field, bleachers, concession and parking areas.
The charge will be $25 per event and the City would assume all responsibility while using the facilities.
*Approved revision in policy for charged meals.
*Approved adoption of new textbooks in Career Ed, Technology, Health and Physical Education once bond funds become available to cover the costs.
*Approved a Summer Work Schedule for employees with a four-day work week with 10-hour days in order to cut utility costs.
*Approved personnel report consisting of the following: the resignation of Nicole Nix, teacher at Greenville Elementary; retirements of Charlie Lee Lloyd, mechanic, 43 years of service, Ada Sue Thompson, lead nurse for the Central Office, 36 years, and Gerre Walley, Special Education Services, BCMS, 33 years (22 years in the local system and 11 on others), and a request for a leave of absence for Sharon Ray, teacher at Greenville Elementary from April 19 to June 7, 2010.