Some taxes still delinquent
Published 6:10 pm Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Tax notices appeared in the paper today and will be running for the three consecutive weeks.
Deborah Crews, Butler County revenue commissioner, said these taxes have been due for quite some time.
“The taxes were due October 1 of last year and they had until December 31 to pay without penalty,” Crews said.
Crews said after January 1, all mail that was postmarked by December 31 is processed without penalty.
“After that, we send out late notices,” Crews said. “We give them an opportunity to pay before we send out certified mail with a court date.”
Citizens have the chance to go before the probate judge if they believe they do not owe the taxes. If they do not pay by the court date listed, they re declared delinquent and must be sold to the highest bidder at a tax sale.
After the tax sale, the previous owners of the property still have three years to redeem the property.
“Anytime during this period they can redeem the property by paying the taxes accrued since the tax sale, plus the cost the highest bidder paid at the sale,” Crews said.