GMS Quiz Bowl team receives special recognition
Published 3:49 pm Monday, February 22, 2010
Members of the Greenville Middle School Quiz Bowl Team received special recognition for their 2nd place honors at the Alabama School Competitive Association and 1st place honors at the Bay Area Scholastic Challenge. The team is slated to go on to state level competition March 6 at Hoover High School and March 19 in Mobile.
Present to receive their certificates at February’s BOE meeting are, front row, left to right: Wyatt Young, Nassim Touil, Sam Bowen, Shelby Sullivan, Cindy Scruggs, Larry Scruggs, Logan Bryan and D’raylen McGrew.
Second row: Team Sponsor Samantha Stabler, Steiner Hamilton, Zachary Grider, Jaeger Young, Kayla Herring, Sarah Elizabeth Godwin, Amelia Grider, Alex Garrett and Jae’Ques Brown (not present: Erica McNaughton, Joseph Longmire Jr., Kate Crenshaw, Michael Meyers, Cameron Roberts, Kristian Jordan, Andrew Hartzog, Kendall Burt, Mason Tindal, Mollie Boutwell, and Lindsey Gibson).