Thursday’s forum great for voters
Published 3:27 pm Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Thursday’s political forum sponsored by the Butler County Republican Party offered an excellent chance for local people to meet and greet the candidates. While all GOP gubernatorial hopefuls weren’t able to attend (Roy Moore and Bill Johnson), we do appreciate those that did, namely State Treasurer Kay Ivey, Bradley Byrne, Greenville’s own Tim James, Rep. Robert Bentley, and James Potts, who was a last minute addition to the forum. Impending bad weather could have kept many of these candidates away from Greenville on Thursday, but it didn’t and those voters in attendance greatly benefited from this opportunity afforded them.
We’d like to applaud the Butler County Republican Party for taking the lead to stage this forum.
This year there are seven candidates seeking the office of Governor on the Republican side of the ticket, (compared to two – Artur Davis and Ron Sparks – for the Democrats), and Republican voters needed this occasion in order to hear, first hand, what each candidate’s plans were for Alabama’s future.
The format of the forum was ideal as well, with each candidate allotted a certain time to make opening and closing remarks, while also allowing them the chance to address three key challenges facing the state. Afterwards, those in the audience were able to meet with the candidates one-on-one and share their own opinions and thoughts, ask questions and make comments.
Casting an educated vote should be something every voter strives to do in June and in November. If you were unable to attend Thursday’s forum, included below is the website addresses for the candidates, which lays out their plans for Alabama:
– Bradley Bryne (
– Kay Ivey (
– Tim James (
– Robert Bentley (
– James Potts (
– Roy Moore (
– Bill Johnson (
Democratic candidates for governor are:
– Artur Davis (
– Ron Sparks (